Monday, February 20, 2012


Wow. Took a major time out, there. Has it really been since October 2010? What has happened in the interim? Never got help...actually called, then was told that they would call me back with how much it would cost after insurance. Can't remember the figure they called back with, but it was definitely cost-prohibitive. And let me digress for a moment, but isn't that a shitty way of dealing with someone who is taking the extremely brave and mortifying step of ACTUALLY CALLING SOMEONE TO GET HELP?!?! Had I just been faced with the bill after seeing the shrink, I would have totally paid it, sheesh!
THEN! Last January found out that I was unexpectedly pregnant!! It was a shock and necessitated getting off my meds. Fast forward to now: am completely in love with my baby and am still off the meds. For now.
In the meantime, I completely forgot my password for this blog. I am here today, which probably says that I need to work out some more issues. I went back and read some of what I had previously written, and I didn't cringe at some of it. Moving forward...