Monday, May 10, 2010

Great Message church, of all places! Yesterday, the homily was about choices. If someone walked up to you with two platters and on one was bad health and the other was good health...well, the choice is obvious, isn't it? We would all certainly choose good health. So, picture the same person walking up with the same two platters, but on one was cheeseburgers, fries, cake, chips, m & ms, the works, and on the other was broccoli and tofu...the choice becomes a little more difficult.
Difficult, but still basic. Our lives come down to choices. They are constant, and can be overwhelming...but we choose our outcomes. They are not handed to us. If I want to be healthy, then I need to evaluate each decision I make and choose the path that will lead to health...mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.
And yes, each time I have one of these life-changing epiphanies, they seem rather...obvious and blatant, but if I had this all figured out from the get-go, well, then life wouldn't be very fun now, would it?

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